V2G-eVolution 2 Grid” is a research innovation project funded under the Programme Electric Mobility Europe 2016 and coordinated by IREN, and with the participation of 3 more partners from 3 European countries.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to a zero CO2 emissions future, developing testing and optimizing an integrated V2G solution composed by a light quadricycle enabling V2G, a bidirectional V2G – enabling charging infrastructure and an Energy Management and Control System (EMCS).

During the project, partners will test the novel V2G integrated solution in real simulated conditions of two case studies (public and household), evaluating benefits and obstacles at technological and regulatory level, assessing its business potential and creating awareness about the results of the project, engaging stakeholders, public administrations, car owners, etc.






Nettikasinopelien pelaamisen edut ja haitat 

Nettikasinopelaaminen on kasvattanut vähitellen suosiotaan viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana. Vuosina 2020 ja 2021 tämä tasainen kasvu kuitenkin kiihtyi dramaattisesti. Se tuskin on yllättävää, kun otetaan huomioon ne oudot olosuhteet, joissa me kaikki olimme. Suurin osa oli jumissa kotona, fyysiset kasinot olivat joko kiinni tai toimivat ankarien rajoitusten alaisina, urheilua ei näkynyt televisiossa – tietysti yhä useammat [...]


eVolution2Grid: General Assembly Meeting

On January 15th, 2019 the project partners gathered in Böblingen, Germany at CTC premises for the 1st GA Meeting of eVolution2Grid.

The participants introduced and discussed the main activities of their work packages, the status of their work and the plan for the next steps.

Iren: Federico Boni Castagnetti
Mecaprom: Enrico Bianconi
